Sunday, August 26, 2007

San Luis Obispo - Morning Show, yeah!

Bleary-eyed and dazed, we left the outstanding Eco-Village in LA at 4 am this morning. Our amazing and resilient driver Clettes shuttled us through the night and into dawn to arrive in San Luis Obispo (SLO), a bike-friendly university town, with plenty of time for breakfast.

After an amazing feast, that included the best rice pudding ever, we headed over to the parking lot at Utopia Bakery. Phil, of Bike Swap fame, had brought together folks to sell and swap bikes, bike parts and other bikey stuff. The wonderful Lisa Quinn lined us up to perform at Bike Swap for the later part of the morning.

We were met with smiles, laughs, cheers and applause during our show. The audience was responsive and included kids, retirees, adult kids and their parents and everyone in between. After the show, we chatted with folks about the how and why of the B:C:Clettes and learned about bike culture in SLO. Two of the Clettes even got a ride on the couch bike – a plush and comfy couch towed by a tandem bike. That’s my kind of bike!

And not only did we knock SLO’s socks off, the local media showed up for an interview and to record some footage of our performance. Look for it on the SLO local news tonight at 8 pm.

I felt particularly excited to dance, as today was my last show on the B:C:Clettes Velo:City Tour – and what a great way to finish! I’ve had such an unbelievable time on the tour and at moments I can’t even believe that these amazing, strong, intelligent women are part of my life. I heart the B:C:Clettes!

Thanks again to Lisa and Phil, the fantastic SLO audience, and all of the folks who have been chatting with us as we meander around town this afternoon. We’re off to San Francisco tomorrow – see you there!



Somebody's Mom said...

Thanks for a fantastic show! Check out the photos from the front row:
(Credit to 7-how-7 for the great work.) Come back soon!

lisa and erick said...

Thanks for coming to SLO! I am amazed by all of your talent. Wonderful to see the formation from the first discussion on Nicole's couch to some rock stars showing the world a lot of bike love! Safe journeys--rock the SF and Seattle scene. I'll send you the TV spot and other write ups from the paper.

